How are DevOps pipelines and agile related in real-life development?

  • ITEducationalExperts
  • 9 Apirl 2021


1. Introduction

2. What is Agile?

3. Continuous Integrations (CI) in DevOps real-time scenarios:

4. What is Continuous Delivery (CD) in DevOps real-time scenarios?

5. DevOps Culture:

5. How they inter-related?

How are DevOps pipelines and agile related in real-life development?
Here this article describes you the importance of a better understanding of the adoption of Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps in IT space. Every organization has a concern about changing the rate in the market while competing. They always try to look at the ways to drive or increase the quantity and speed of the change according to meet time-to-time market pressure.
Nowadays, every business goal has become service-centric; to deliver the improvised product or services according to the customer need that has become all-time high. This blog is for the enterprise leaders, who are wishing to increase their productivity in their revenue-generating IT services.
In present days, companies are investing their time to innovate the speed of the work with more agile competitors to take-lead, in a busy marketplace. To set their goals, engineers are exploring many ways to increase product delivery time with new applications. To perform these strategies, one can adopt different methods like agile methodology, continuous delivery applications as a part of your DevOps transformation program.
Below theories are related to DevOps and how they are related, to real-time scenarios.

What is Agile?
According to authors Agile Manifesto, it is a software development methodology to build software which can create and respond to the change. The meaning of word Agile is to represent the adaptiveness and change in the response, which is so important, to their approach.
This Agile process is more focus on removing the traditional process barrier and enabling the key holders such as developers and customers to interact more closely on providing fast services.Agile software consists of a set of frameworks and practices based on the authors manifesto for agile software development. There are 12 principles behind it such as Scrum, Extreme Programming or Feature-driven development (FDD) and these all come under frameworks. Pair programming, stand-ups, sprints, planning sessions and test-driven development is the set of practices in agile software development.
Agile software is all about focusing on the people doing work and how they work together in the collaboration of developers and customers in such a team called self-organizing teams.

Continuous Integrations (CI) in DevOps real-time scenarios:
In DevOps, the development team manager will have different roles, priorities and responsibilities in launching new features and make sure that his team meets the deadline. Here the programmer must fix the bug every time before the application would slow down. This continuous integration will result in extra burden and costlier activity to fix the bug at least daily and even hourly bases.
To avoid this thrash continuous integration highlights automation tools that drive to test and build the well-defined software life cycle. With the automation tool, CI makes it successful in building and solving errors as quickly as possible by the team.

What is Continuous Delivery (CD) in DevOps real-time scenarios?
Continuous deployment is a software engineering approach to what CI is to build and test. It is a complete set of package software where programmers can create, configure and deploy in such a way that it can work on low cost and high automation at any time in a software defined-manner.
Over some decades, the adoption of agile development has a large effect on delivering enterprise solutions. Here the team has to perform more rapidly in creating and updating applications and continuously evolving the code base for the business. Later, with the design of the continuous deployment, which helps in increasing both agility and deployment process to breakdown the dividing line between QA, development and operations?

DevOps Culture:
In present days, all the organizations view the word DevOps as a part of latest IT trend software. DevOps defined as the collaboration of the software developer and other operational professionals. It helps in creating, testing and releasing software with the combination of development and operation practices in an organization.
Previously the enterprises work on the agile development software in the 2000s, nowadays DevOps having success stories in implementing high-value and low-value organizations. Best examples of DevOps implementation is Facebook, Netflix and Google.

How they inter-related?
Here agile development highlights the change, in the process of delivering the services. Whereas CI and CD are well-defined software that emphasizes automation and DevOps focuses on the responsiveness.To execute the DevOps, the development team has to start with continuous integration with the help of continuous delivery development that focuses on the configuration, packing.
Previously the enterprises work on the agile development software in the 2000s, nowadays DevOps having success stories in implementing high-value and low-value organizations. Best examples of DevOps implementation is Facebook, Netflix and Google.
We have come to an end to this article on how are DevOps pipelines and agile related in real-life development? To know more about DevOps pipelines, check out the certified course Devop Online Training by ITEducationalExperts.

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