Android Online Training

Mobile Applications are most usually referred to as Mobile Apps. This Application software program is run specifically for the use on small, wireless computing devices in mobiles, such as Smartphones and tablets. Three leading applications run on any mobile devices such as Native Apps, Hybrid Apps and web-based Apps. Android, Windows phones and IOS are come under Native Apps, whereas Hybrid Apps includes React Native, Xamarin, Angular mobile Sencha Touch and others. Web-based Apps are designed for the responsive mobile-friendly version, of the website to work on any mobile devices.

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Android Online Course

Android is an Open source handset alliance and one of the most popular mobile operating systems in the world, which is built on the top modified version of the Linux Kernel operating system . Android application is led by Google and other companies and has ready access to an open market in Google play. Nowadays, Android operates to communicate with one other by bringing Google and other internet users of Smartphone’s, tablets and other mobile devices.

The first beta version was released by Google in 2007 for the first commercial version of the Android Software Development (SDK). In 2008 Google announced Android 1.0 and later 2012 they updated Android 1.0 to 4.1 jelly Beans version intending to improve the user interface. Currently, Android 10.0 version was released on September 3, 2109, on Google’s Pixel devices.

Generally, Android applications are developed in a java programming language using SDK. Once the applications are ready, they gathered quickly and easily sold out either through a store like Google Play, Opera Mobile Store, Mobango, Slide ME and Amazon Store. Android is an Open Source application program and inter-app integration with the highly rich development background, which supports to increase the market with a diminished cost of development.

Android is one of the fast, leading application platforms in any mobile devices, where over 1million of new Android users are installs every day worldwide. Android application is widely used in our homes, at the offices, in the cameras, watches, cars and TVs. It offers exciting opportunities for developing virtual and imaginable for developers and seizes the power of mobile communications.

This online training program had been planned for the beginners to help them to understand the fundamentals in Android programming development. Students, who already have some primary knowledge of Java language can easily learn and grow their profession in Android application development.

  • Freshers – who are willing to develop their App
  • Web Developers
  • Java Experts

Course Features

Course Duration

Course Duration:40Hrs

ITEducationalExperts provides 40+ hours of complete online program. That includes highly interactive classes with effective teaching and learning skills.

Hand On Experience

Hands on experience

At the end of the program, the student will get Professional knowledge on both theoretically and practically, where they are allowed to participate in quizzes and lab workshops to get hands-on experience with Industry Experts in particular program.

 Access Duration:Lifetime

Access Duration:Lifetime

Here ITEducationalExperts offers students, will get Life-time access to interact with their mentor and get provided material anytime.

24 X 7 Support

24 X 7 Support

We provide 24/7 live support to interact with their faculty to Clear Up their Query in Course through Emails, Phones or live chat.

Get Certified

Get Certified

ITEducationalExperts certify, your overall performance based on assignments conducted by the trainer to receive the certification.

Job Assistance

Job Assitance

ITEducationalExperts provides 100% placement Assistance with resume preparation for students. We also help the students in preparing their resume effectively for job preferences.

Course Content

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24/7 live support.

Lifetime access will be provided to attend the E-learning Program and material provided by Experts.

ITEducationalExperts Provides 40 hours of course duration with hands-on experience.

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Mon - Fri (6 Weeks)

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Daily 2 hours session

6 Days support per week

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